Monday, October 5, 2009

ActivSkin at Midwest Meet of Champions

48 cross country teams competed at Hilliard Darby HS in the MMOCThis past Saturday (Oct. 3rd), we were fortunate enough to be asked by my son's cross country coach to have a tent/exhibit for ACTIVSKIN at the invitational that was hosted by Hilliard Darby High School (Hilliard, OH). I worked the event for the entire 3-1/2 hour duration, during which I had the opportunity to speak to many people about our legwear's benefits for athletes, and we even sold a few pairs on-site as well. I learned from a conversation with the girls' cross country coach that this meet was the largest one being held that day anywhere in the U.S. There were more than 1,500 athletes in attendance, along with their families and coaches...

The name of the event was the Midwest Meet of Champions (MMOC) and it was Darby's fifth year of hosting it. The meet was extremely well run, with all races going off within a minute of the scheduled time.

Steve Newman manned the ActivSkin tent at the Hilliard Darby-hosted MMOCWe were fortunate enough to be located right between the Chick-fil-A tent and the Funnel Cake stand, adjacent to the concessions area, and directly in the path to the Port-a-Johns. (We took the photo at right during one of the lulls in the activity level) Consequently, although physically impossible for me to talk to more than a small percentage of that crowd, of those to whom I did not have the chance to speak, nearly all walked past the tent at some point during the meet. Our ACTIVSKIN banner was prominently displayed, featuring several photos of our legwear in use (athletics as well as general wear), as was our mannequin, which sported a pair of A876 black tights (the footless variety, with fly opening). We made sure to have a small supply of opaque tights available for on-site purchase, although this goal was secondary to the main objective of getting our name and the legwear concept in front of such a large group of people. That goal was achieved.

ActivSkin's banner illustrates athletics benefits, as well as general wearTo be sure, there was certainly the occasional quizzical look from a passing athlete or spectator. Yet, all the while I engaged in many positive one-on-one conversations with those in attendance. Many of those began with the same quizzical looks, to which I approached and answered questions or explained the practical benefits of our ACTIVSKIN legwear. These include providing warmth-without-bulk so when runners first go out in the chilly morning air, the tights take the 'bite' out of the cold--yet don't cause them to feel overheated later when their body temperature rises during exercise. The leg support provided by the A866/A876 tights (as well as other full-support styles) help improve stamina by slightly compressing the leg muscles during exercise.

Following these conversations, they invariably left with a better understanding of our product, and a favorable impression of its benefits. As I wrote above, a few returned later to purchase a pair for their high school athlete. Many business cards, brochures and runners' articles were handed out, which we would hope will draw them back in the future--possibly to become customers. One father I spoke to told of a group of guys he runs with, several of whom might be interested in ACTIVSKIN legwear.

ActivSkin A876 tights were on display at the MMOC in Hilliard, OHI had hoped for an opportunity to speak with some of the 45 coaches who were in attendance, but that was not to be--with the exception of our own Hilliard Darby coaches, of course. They are typically quite busy before, during and after such an event as this and didn't have much time to spare. I would encourage any who may have seen our tent and banner to contact me by email (see link along righthand column) to discuss possible use for their team. We offer coach discounts on purchase of legwear for their teams.

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