Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bridgette Raes | Style Guide: The Truth About Men Who Wear Pantyhose

In a follow-up to her Friday radio broadcast, Bridgette Raes posted a great article on Men In Tights on her blogsite, "BRSG". I will say, as to the double standard she refers to, I’ve often said that it actually betrays a certain residual bias against women that remains in our society even to this day–even among women themselves. Despite the ostensible equality with which women and men are viewed today, you have to ask yourself why there is such a noticeable difference between the way people view it when a member of one sex strays into the fashion territory of the other?

Bridgette noted that a woman can wear clothing ranging from the ultra feminine to jeans, t-shirts, boots and a short haircut and hardly anyone even takes note. Maybe she is even praised as being: strong, “a real go-getter”, or other positive adjectives. But if a man wears even one article of clothing that has typically been associated with women, not only do other men get worked up over it, but women may give him even more flack over it. His manhood might be called into question regardless of how strong and virile an example of masculinity he may otherwise be.

You have to ask yourself if this doesn’t reveal some sort of latent bias against the female? Is it because a woman who co-opts a certain fashion item from men is seen as elevating herself? (BTW, not too many of us are old enough to remember the days when women wearing pants was considered scandalous). If so, by contrast a man adopting anything with a feminine connotation is considered to be ‘lowering’ himself to the level of the less worthy sex and needs to be resisted so as to not betray his manhood.

Of course, when we try to come to terms with all of this, we hope we can be advanced enough in our view on the inherent dignity, and equality, of both men and women that we don’t behave this way. Some–many–men are wearing mantyhose for very legitimate reasons and knee jerk reactions against it have to be examined for what they really reveal about the people making them. Are they unknowingly acknowledging they don’t really view men and women as being equal in dignity? Let’s hope your blog and radio program can help us move beyond that toward true equality. Thank you, Bridgette.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Couple of Regular Guys Talk Mantyhose with BridgetteRaes | Blog Talk Radio

Fashion that Makes You Go, "Hmm?" by BridgetteRaes | Blog Talk Radio, June 15

Wow. I have to give great applause to Kevin Wright and Rob Stephenson, who were guests on Bridgette Raes' radio show ("Fashion That Makes You Go, 'Hmm' ") yesterday. You guys were FANTASTIC spokesmen for the mantyhose, and Bridgette was great in providing such an open-minded forum for presenting the true aspects of it that rarely makes it into the public discourse.

While we've all watched with interest as the Emilio Cavallini unisex tights making a big splash back in March. Yet despite the benefit of the big publicity surge, most guys who are wearing mantyhose were left a little cold by the bold black & white patterns (skulls, etc.) Some may go for that look, but it's far from representative of most guys' legwear styles.

On the other hand, Rob and Kevin provide the 'regular guy' perspective that most any average guy could at least listen to and possibly relate to. Rob's a phone company worker by day and heavy metal band member and DJ at other times. Kevin is a family man who has been wearing legwear very openly for years and has become a much more vocal advocate lately--as has Rob. (Thanks guys, I can ALWAYS use the help)

As it happened, Kevin was trying to contact me when she was setting up the show--especially since a segment with Chan Kraemer of eMANcipate had fallen through.  Unfortunately, I was on vacation with my family in North Carolina and more or less out of touch with the outside world.  They were looking to have me be a guest on the show, but it just wasn't to be.  No matter, because these guys were great representatives for all the rest of the guys out there who wish there were more understanding among the media and public perceptions.

It was very refreshing to hear Bridgette, a well-known fashion and radio personality, speak to the double standard that has long existed with respect to what women can wear versus what men can wear.

Make sure to listen to the interview. It can be accessed here:

Listen to internet radio with BridgetteRaes on Blog Talk Radio
Although the show is one hour in length, the segment with Kevin and Rob lasts only 30 minutes.

Again, great job guys!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Be sure to catch Bridgette Raes on Fashion that Makes You Go, "Hmm?" She'll be talking Mantyhose on Friday's radio show


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