Tuesday, July 28, 2009

FWIW: Pantyhose - Not Just For Women Anymore

PANTYHOSE: Not Just For Women AnymoreIn the For What It's Worth Department, a faux motivational poster is telling us basically what we've been saying on The Nylon Gene all along, albeit with tongue in cheek. One thing is evident though, the idea of legwear for men is out there among the 'marketplace of ideas' and it is attracting attention. The other thing is that we definitely don't take ourselves so seriously here that we can't take a little light-hearted ribbing. While we're at it though, maybe we Nylon Gene readers can slip over to the motivatedphotos.com site and vote up this poster? Each one has a place where you can vote either "Motivator" or "Demotivator". Let's let them know this one's a motivator!

1 comment:

  1. So as not to leave all the fun to someone else, I logged onto the MotivatorPhotos site and created a poster that says,

    FROM PANTYHOSE TO MANTYHOSE: If You Women Aren't Gonna Wear 'Em, WE ARE!

    You can find it at: www.motivatedphotos.com/id=30359


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