Friday, January 29, 2010

A New Men's Legwear Blogger on the Scene?

male tights to 'take the U.S. by storm'?My Google Alerts notified me yesterday of a blog post entitled, "Tights For Men the Latest Fashion Trend" on a blog I hadn't noticed before. It's called Men's Tights Fashion/Fashionable Tights for Men and Pantyhose.

Currently, there are three articles posted there:

"Men's Tights for Slimming Underwear"
"Mantyhose: The Male Pantyhose"
"Tights for Men, The Latest Fashion Trend"

The articles are fairly well written, incorporating many of the points supporting male legwear we've been discussing here on The Nylon Gene for some time. Some graphics or photos would be a welcome addition, and dates for the articles, but more importantly it would be nice to know who the author of the blog is.

The world is beginning to pay more attention to the men's legwear trend. So it behooves us to capitalize on it and provide as much credibility as possible by letting people see who these guys are, who want to transform men's tights and pantyhose into a regular male garment.

It is encouraging to see many more voices begin to speak up and chime in the chorus to support this emerging trend. It reflects an increase in confidence of the men who are stepping forward to place their name and face alongside the legwear--in effect saying, "I truly believe there's nothing at all wrong with men wearing hosiery for practical, legitimate reasons... and to prove it, I'm putting my reputation on the line to help make the case."

Likewise with the new offerings on the market for men's legwear--most recently from Bulgaria. Those capital ventures reflect a growing recognition that there's a market there to be tapped. These are all encouraging signs that have come about in only the past year. Let's keep 'em coming.

[PS, I plan to write more on the new developments in men's legwear products soon. Keep an eye out for it here, or on my space at The]


  1. Great idear,i have been wearing hosiery for 25 years.finely it is a trend.Hope it takes off in Australia.A new male trend, we get to take somthin off the women as they have taken all our fasion it.

  2. I think pantyhose for men is a great idea, looks great with shorts.

  3. Thanks, Anon, for the vote of confidence. I think more people are recognizing this and wearing them more and more openly. I hope you'll lend your support in the field by wearing them with confidence, too.

  4. I wore patterened tights with shorts for a fortnight in SF over Christmas and got nothing but compliments. It rocked!


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