Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Plus, the chicks go crazy for guys in tights..."

John Hart, the creator of the Wizard of Id comic strip, apparently knows something we at The Nylon Gene have been advocating for quite awhile:

April 22, 2010 - Wizaard of Id
Wizard of Id

...and there's more below:

... here's an interesting one from several years back. Not a widely distributed comic (I've not seen it before in Columbus), but obviously of interest to Nylon Gene readers: (Obviously, Teddy is a 'fashion-forward' Nylon Gene reader, isn't he?)

Nov. 10, 2004 - Big Nate
Big Nate

Nove. 11, 2004 - Big Nate
Big Nate

And, a couple of funny Frank & Ernest strips, of uncertain age:

Finally, this Monty comic strip represents the undercover tights-wearer in many of the guys out there:

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